KY Class Prep

Primarily, I teach in the Cairo area. (from Maadi to Nasr City) Occasionally, we hold workshops at Dome Marina Resort in Ain Sokhna, along the Red Sea. However, as I travel, I teach classes where I might be.

What to expect when attending a Kundalini Yoga Class in Egypt

Kundalini Yoga combines the use of breathing techniques (pranayama), body postures (asanas), hand positions (mudras) and meditation. We also incorporate sound currents (mantras).

A typical Kundalini Yoga class begins with the Tune-in mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (I bow in reverence to the infinite wisdom within and to the teachers that have come before me.)

The class is formed of a series of yoga postures and pranayama, then deep relaxation followed by meditation.

Kundalini Yoga Is Quite Different From The Yoga You Might Be Used To

Kundalini Yoga uses a lot of movement and breath. It’s challenging and easy. Many find it to be very self healing.
a yogic breath

Kundalini Yoga sets are called kriyas. A kriya consists of a series exercises (in a few cases, only one exercise) which produce a specific state of mind and body. When you do a kriya, a sequence of physical and mental events is initiated that affects the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously. The posture is movement. You move and then come to stillness.

When you practice the Kundalini Yoga exercises, do the best that you can, vigorously. Put your heart and soul into it.

Kundalini Yoga is a science, and you are a great scientist, performing the most significant experiment in life – that of transforming yourself into the healthy, happy, divine being that you, in essence, already are.


All of the breathing in Kundalini Yoga is through the nose, unless otherwise specified.

If you are a beginning student, you should go at a pace that suits your flexibility and endurance. The classes that I teach are beginner friendly, but are often times intermediate or advanced kundalini yoga sets. If you are beginner please come to the class, it is truly an opportunity to expand and extend your Self.

As you feel more comfortable with the exercises, begin to practice as often as you can. Do not push your body too much. You should not experience pain or discomfort. Do what you can, that is perfection.

Sitting And How To Sit In Good Posture

Your sitting posture should always feel well balanced and comfortable to you. It should reflect harmony. I wrote more about sitting in easy pose in this post "yoga classes made for you" >>

Since we do a lot of sitting in easy pose, a sticky mat is really not appropriate. I like to sit on a cotton kilm that can be found almost anywhere in Egypt. (I put a photo at the bottom of this post) Purchase only the organic cotton rugs, not the synthetic ones.

I use a white one, as the color white, not only contains all the colors, is considered to enhance our electromagnetic field. If you need any help finding the organic cotton rugs in Egypt, please contact me.

organic cotton kilm rugs from 20 EGP to 50 EGP

Closing Song

Every Kundalini Yoga class ends with the Long Time Sunshine song. 

May the long time sun shine upon you. 
All love surround you,
And the pure light within you, guide your way on.

If you would like to have me teach a yoga class at your location, please contact me through this website.