21 March 2009

Meditation to Change the Ego

meditation to change the ego instructor dev hueske

Meditation to Change the Ego

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh. (Read how to apply this body lock after YB comments below.)

Eye Position: Fix the eyes on the knuckles of the thumbs. Narrow the eyelids.

Mudra: Keep the spine straight and the chest slightly lifted. Relax the arms down at the sides. Raise the hands in front of the center of the chest at the level of the heart. The palms face toward each other. Curl the fingers into a loose fist. Keep the thumbs extended and point them upwards. Bring the hands toward each other until the top segment of the thumbs touch along the side of the thumbs. The rest of the hands stay separated.

Breath Pattern:

Bring your concentration to the breath. Create a steady breath rhythm with the following ratio and pathway:
INHALE through the nose slowly. The length is about 8 seconds.
HOLD in the breath for about 8 seconds.
RELEASE the breath through the nose in 8 equal strokes.
HOLD the breath OUT for 8 seconds.

Once this pattern is set, you can gradually increase the time from 8 seconds to as long as you like. If you increase the time, keep the time equal in each section of the pranayam.

Time: Begin this practice gradually. Start with 3 minutes. Increase the time to 31 minutes by adding 3-5 minutes per week of practice.

To end: At the end of a session, inhale deeply, stretch the hands over the head, and open and close the fists several times. Relax the breath.

Comments from Yogi Bhajan:
This meditation has many effects. It can be used to combat tension and hypertension. It also creates a deep concentration and a detachment that allows you to observe your attachments. Once you identify your attachments, you can let them go by dis-identifying with them, or by giving the object of attachment to the Infinite, the Cosmos, or God.

Sometimes you will hear strong inner sounds such as drums, bells, whistles, etc. Part of this can be due to pressure adjustments in the skull and eardrums. if the sounds develop in deep meditation, it is a normal adjustment of the neurons in the cortex. This phenomenon will pass quickly and should not distract you from the primary focus and process of the meditation.

(This meditation was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan in July 1979)


Jalandhar Bandh (neck lock) is a basic lock applied during most pranayam (breath control) and meditation practice.

To apply the neck lock:
* Sit comfortably with a straight spine.
* Lift your chest and sternum upward.
* Stretch the back of your neck gently straight by pulling the chin in toward the back of the neck.
* Keep your head level and centered without tilting forward or to either side.
* Keep the muscles of your face, neck, and throat as relaxed as you can.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the meditation. I will definitely try it for my upcoming exams.
I would like to continue it afterwards also.

Thanks. Sat-Nam Waheguru.

ishttah said...

You are very welcome. I like this meditation very much too. Waheguru.

Gyan Dhara said...

ur blog is w'ful ..so in-detail ..
love to checkout on each post in leisure ..

ty for visiting my blog n comments..
Jai Gurudev :-)

ishttah said...

I am honored by your visit. All of your blogs are very informative and provide much information. I have several photos of his Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on my Flickr site. (channel: sierragoddess) I hope you will visit. In the near future, I will be posting more video that I had the privilege to capture when I was at the ashram with Guruji.